Meet with Jason

Stop. Collaborate and Listen! Hi I’m Jason Gilbow with EightTwenty Solar. I was born in a small town in northeastern Arkansas, grew up in Enid, am an OSU graduate and have been in the OKC metro area for over 35 years. I am the proud parent of Grant, Jack and Cate and am committed to doing my part in leaving the earth a better place for them. Solar is known as “clean energy,” and does not emit harmful emissions into our air and water supplies that fossil fuels do. There are many financial and environmental reasons why our government has gotten behind solar with tax credits, accelerated depreciation and the potential of the government paying up to 50% of solar projects for small businesses in rural areas (towns under 50,000 in population). Whether you are a residential homeowner, non-profit or commercial business owner, there is a great chance that solar is a fit for you. My goal is to help people make an informed decision on solar and to simplify the process. I 100% believe in our owners and our employees from our design engineers to our install crews to our electricians. Professional and integrity are the two words that come to mind when I think of EightTwenty Solar. Let’s talk!

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