Live free.
Live solar.

Solar power is no longer an experiment.


Live clean.

Sustainability is no longer a movement of a few.
“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”
-Lady Bird Johnson

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Going solar is the biggest personal decision you can make to limit your carbon footprint.

Limit Waste

Get real-time insight into your home's energy usage to eliminate wasted energy.

Clean Power

Connect to clean, abundant, renewable energy to power your life.


Live smart.

Solar makes sense to your pocketbook.
“This is about every American being able to produce their own energy, store their own energy, and sell their own energy as they wish. It’s independence at its best.” Mark Ruffalo

Lock in Your Energy Cost

Electricity prices are rising at historical rates - you can lock in your energy prices for over 3 decades.

No Money Down

Flexible solar loans are available so you can own instead of renting your energy.

Gain control

We put the ability to produce, consume, store and sell energy into your hands.


Solar packages allow you to produce, use, and sell your own energy. They are designed to be beautiful and efficient.


By adding storage, you are able to use your energy when the grid is down. Our flexible options can handle essential or whole home backup needs.

EV Charging

We equip homes with Level 2 EV chargers to ensure you are fully charged and ready for the day. We love powering EVs with clean, unlimited, solar power.

Solar Structures

No roof space, no problem. We have exclusively designed and engineered solar pergolas and carports, allowing you to power your home while getting the shade and protection you were looking for.


Solar packages allow you to produce, use, and sell your own energy. They are designed to be beautiful and efficient.


By adding storage, you are able to use your energy when the grid is down. Our flexible options can handle essential or whole home backup needs.

EV Charging

We equip homes with Level 2 EV chargers to ensure you are fully charged and ready for the day. We love powering EVs with clean, unlimited, solar power.

Solar Structures

No roof space, no problem. We have exclusively designed and engineered solar pergolas and carports, allowing you to power your home while getting the shade and protection you were looking for.


4 Steps to live solar.

1. Utility Bill

Send in your utility bill and see if solar makes sense.

2. Design

We put together a design that meets your goals and sets up your future.

3. Installation

Our in-house craftsman install and turn on your project, connecting you to the sun.

4. Live solar

You are set to live solar - operating your life and your budget on solar power for decades to come.

In Your Community
In Your Community
Your Neighbor
Your Neighbor

We exist to create raving fans

Hear our customer and partner testimonials.
“We have to put solar into our homes.”

– Dana Marrow
“It helps to know we are a producer of electricity, not just beer.”

– Andrew Carrales
“At first, I was hesitant…I was surprisingly pleased with the way it looked. It matched our roof, had a low profile and looks great.”

– Katie Dodson
“When we had the opportunity do solar, it was a no brainer. The sun belongs to all of us.”

– Sandino Thompson, developer of Kindred Spirits

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